Expert Advice for the New Year

Rent. asked, we answered. Take a look at our advice in Rent.’s new article: Decluttering Checklist: How to Start Your New Year Off Fresh.

Here are some additional tips I have as you start out!

The New Year tends to bring motivation and zeal necessary to make change happen so if you’re ready to make some changes around your home, here are some quick tips to help you with decluttering and organizing: 

  1. Start easy - Don’t jump right into the photos of your family as it will take way too long to navigate. Instead, start with something easier like a bathroom or one drawer. 

  2. Ask strong questions - When deciding what to get rid of, avoid questions like, “could I use this” or “is it still good?” Creativity in the decluttering process will actually hinder your progress. Ask stronger decision making questions like, “do I love managing this item in my home” and “if I did need this item after getting rid of it, how difficult would it be to replace?” Questions like this help you think more practically.

  3. Give yourself freedom and permission to get rid of things - Often we feel wasteful when we get rid of items we’ve been gifted or spent money on yet never used. However, there are items you don’t need taking your time, energy, and peace of mind which is also a waste. Allow the process to grow you into more of a mindful shopper and giver moving forward.

Overall, set a goal and be prepared to give yourself grace through the process as you steward your home well!

If you’d like more tips and motivation on your journey to a more simplified home, follow me on social media!


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